Author Archives: Equipe Explain

Sèvre city centre regeneration

image3Sèvre city centre urban project aims at improving the urban environment, quality of life and the transport system. EXPLAIN is in charge of the transportation aspect of the project. We propose solutions to solve the observed issues and optimize the efficiency of the urban regeneration project.

SMTCO chooses EXPLAIN to plan the Clermont interchange hub

Image1The study is based on a diagnostic of the existing access by all modes. the impact of the future link Roissy-Picardie is evaluated as  well as the impact of the future bus services created after the « loi Macron ».

A functionnal program is produced to improve both access to the station and interchange within the hub. A collaborative approach is implemented all along the study to reach a shared solution which accounts for all other known planning initiatives.

Laflowbox is deployed in several locations in France


LaFlowbox ( is a solution designed to understand movements from electromagnetic signals produced by connected devices such as mobile phones, audio equipment, vehicles etc. The solution includes sensors which detect electromagnetic waves and their characteristics, anonymous information is then sent to a central server where they are analyzed to produce statistics and datasheet on the transportation system. The data produced is used by public transport operators and policy makers to improve the transportation system. Laflowbox is an innovative solution developed by EXPLAIN (patent pending).

EXPLAIN joins the Audit team evaluating the cost benefit analysis of the Rouen East bypass project

A28A13_carte-perimetre-restriction-PLFollowing the government decision 2013-1211 dated December 2013, the cost benefit analysis of every public investment higher than 100M€ must be audited by an independent team of recognized experts. In that context, the Commissariat Général à I‘Investissement has chosen EXPLAIN to join the team of experts looking at the Rouen East bypass project.

The pertinence and robustness of the cost benefit analysis are evaluated. The team of experts produces a report which is made available for the public enquiry.

ZAC de l’Ile Porte : EXPLAIN develops a multimodal transportation Plan

villefrancheThe objective of the study is evaluate the traffic impact of the new development program of ZAC de l’Ile Porte and to evaluate several options to divert traffic from Arnas.

Following a comprehensive diagnostic of the current situation for all modes, a multimodal transportation master Plan is developed and evaluated using macro and micro simulation techniques.

The products have been shared with the various stakeholders and include the phasing of the development program and the corresponding transportation plan, and an assessment of the opportunity for new infrastructures to avoid Arnas.

EXPLAIN chosen to undertake the cost benefit analysis of the East – West section of Tangentielle Nord rail project


The Tangentielle Nord rail project is designed to facilitate suburb to suburb trips around Paris. 28 kiometers long in total, the project will link Noisy-le-Sec and Sartrouville in Greater Paris and will serve 14 stations allowing transfers with the existing rail network.

The project includes the construction of new tracks, the widening of bridges, the creation of tunnels and the creation of stations.

The construction of the central part of the project between Epinay-sur-Seine and Le Bourget started in 2014 and we have been appointed to undertake the cost benefit nalysis of the East-West section as part of the preliminary studies.

EXPLAIN chosen by Greater Bordeaux to study BRT schemes in the western area

CaptureGreater Bordeaux chooses EXPLAIN in consortia with SCE and EREA to study the opportunity and feasibility of new BRT services in the western part of the city outiside the ring road.

The study looks at the main options in terms of level of service,  operation, urban environement and the associated benefits. Its is forms the basis for decision making.

EXPLAIN brings its expertise in multimodal modelling and appraisal.